Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
I found this large paper mache duck at the antique store in Tehachipi the other day. He's about 12" tall and signed 'Hnos Nuno' with the squiggle over the second 'n'. He's a bit lame as you can see in the third photo, so i named him 'Barrack'.
Love it! He's a real quack up! LOL!!!
thank you shareurpassion!
it's so odd and pretty cool too! i think it's pretty old - 30s - 50s?
thank you valentino! i've been a supporter of obama since he first announced he was running, but i don't think there's any question that he is entering his lame duck presidency w/ congress announcing their plans to reject everything he puts to them...
Cool Duck!! Were you on the way to Laughlin!!
Oh wow, he (or she) is precious!
thank you MyFavoriteTreasures, and toracat!!
I love the lively colors Ho2! I believe the H'nos Nuno stands for Hermanos (brothers) Nunos (last name).
thanks Rick55. soy bilingue 100%!
You're welcome Ho2... yo tambien con un poco de Itiliano...