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PoliticalPin…'s loves967 of 1022Hutchy777, here's a few TimepiecesWW1 Pin?
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (290 items)

    For your review, a selection of pinbacks from cereal, gumball and Crackerjack. I have also displayed a 4 block of elvis stamps issued by US postal service displayed with pins from the Beatles 1960 Set and The Monkees set. Sets represented here include Pep Bombardment set, Roy Rogers Grape nuts, Crackerjack James Bond, Flintstones, Green Hornet, LaughIn just to mention a few. Hope you enjoy.

    See all
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 1930s-40s Funny Button Mini .75
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 19...
    Vintage 1960s Vietnam War 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 W.D.W.Y.F.W Pin Pinback, Historic USA!
    Vintage 1960s Vietnam War 1 - 2 - 3...
    Vintage 1960s Civil Rights Pinback Button United We Shall Overcome JD Equality
    Vintage 1960s Civil Rights Pinback ...
    1944 FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT FDR campaign pin pinback button political president
    1944 FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT FDR campa...
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 1930s-40s Funny Button Mini .75
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 19...
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    1. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Cool stuff! :)
    2. catburgler catburgler, 9 years ago
      Thankyou valentino, the little charm was from crackerjack and was part of a set featuring The Phantom, cannot remembrr her name, was his love interest in the comics. Have never seen any others since purchasing. Take care
    3. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      You have a very nice collection of pinbacks, very nice frame. How long have you been collecting pinbacks?
    4. catburgler catburgler, 8 years ago
      Thankyou autopinback64, glad you enjoyed them. Collecting pinbacks for about 7 years.
    5. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Just for your info., you may or may not be aware of, Hakes Auctions (Ted Hake) is the place to find the rarer pinbacks. He also has published an nice reference guides on Pinback buttons.
    6. catburgler catburgler, 8 years ago
      Auto pinback: thankyou, glad you enjoy the pins. Collecting pinbacks about 7 years, off shoot of my comic collecting. Yes I have hakes price guide and the buttons in sets book, great references. Purchased some pins from his website, he has great stuff.

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