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WW1 Soldier's Personal documents Box

In Military and Wartime > World War One > Show & Tell.
World War One177 of 687General Pershing's WW I  bronze medalWWI British War Medal and 1914-15 Star
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (103 items)

    Met a very nice fellow who told me this was his Grandfather's who was a Farrier Sargent in the British army during world war one, being a blacksmith in civilian life. It's in original condition and needs a good clean but opens and shuts well.
    Makes a find like this even better when the person who lets it go loves a to tell all about it's history. Apparently all the soldier's personal documents and effects went into this box when going into battle?

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 9 years ago
    2. jearve jearve, 9 years ago
      Cheers, had a good day and bonded with big brother.

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