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Warner's Safe Pills, 1880s-1890s Labeled and Boxed

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (813 items)

    This is less common than their 1890s Log Cabin counterpart.

    Here is a fair example of Warner's Safe Pills, with original box (missing paper top and bottom), label, and fold-out instructions/ads in several languages.

    Warner's is probably the most popularly collected medicine company in the U.S. They were around for a while and have many bottles embossed with a safe for their "Safe Cure" products.

    I think this is 1880s but will edit this later if it's not.
    An interesting aspect is that it says, ''''safe with negro gathering herbs." Not sure what that means.

    The product is not in the bottle anymore, but it will display well with my other small paper-label bottles, albeit this one is not embossed like they.

    From the Grand Rapids, Michigan, bottle show today. I think it was my final purchase.

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    1. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      Wow, great buy! How was the show?
    2. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      Just the box (no top or bottom) and paper fold-out sold on e-Bay recently for over $9.
      The other recent auction of one was an unopened one, which sold for $54.
      These don't include shipping.

      The show was alright. My car is now making a puttering I don't like (I'd never driven it 80 miles in one day before.)
      There were many people from the club, and when I was walking out the door I held it open for a man who was also leaving but suddenly asked if I were the kid from Muskegon.
      I wondered how he gathered that, and was told that he was told to find me to talk to me as he metal detects and trades/buys Muskegon bottles. So I have his number and he my email now.

      I bought an 1856 Railroad Stock Certificate, 4 insulators (see two I posted earlier), a Delaware 1880s squat soda with huge bubbles, a scarce local milk, a beer, and a bottle I should have looked closer at-- I thought the label looked suspicious, analysed it, determined it was real and old but didn't look at the edges.
      Taking it to a collector of several decades, he determined it was added later due to the littlest bits of residue at the edges. Research corroborates that it's an old label on an older bottle, but the closure on it is like half the value anyhow, and it's a pretty label, so I'm happy.

      I'll do a post on most of this stuff.

      I hope your day went well. Thanks for looking.
    3. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      Bear, you are quite a celebrity! =) I'm sorta green with envy right now at all the cool stuff you got to see and buy, but in a good way, of course. My day was somewhat less fantastic- i went on another treasure hunt but the ground was frozen and i came back with a few very awesome old bottle tops and bottoms LOL i'm keeping them for educational purposes.
    4. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      LOL, thanks, Anna. That I'm young (when most guys there are over 50)lets me get very good deals. I saw one other ''kid'' there, and he looked a few years younger than I.

      I prefer to find my stuff, actually. But it is hard to dig up intact paper labels (it does happen.) LOL.
      You could make some sort of art out of that which you have found. Break up the glass and make mosaic tables for a patio or something. Cut the bottoms off from sharp edges and ground that down, then use as a coaster?
      If you have the bottom half to a bottle, you can use it as a holder for small candles.
      I have half a Straight-Side Coca-Cola bottle I found and used to use as a candle holder.

      Many projects for them.
    5. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      You have an unusual hobby for a young person, that's why you don't see many peers in this field.
      Thanks for the ideas on the projects. I have a very long list of projects, and absolutely no time to get to any of them, unfortunately. Something to look forward to in retirement in like a decade LOL
    6. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      no, wait, two decades brain is already asleep...Good night =)
    7. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      Glass is pretty. It's like art-glass to me. But the history is even better as average people with average lives used them, and they were never meant to be kept.
    8. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      LOL, good night, Anna. Sleep well.
    9. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      I've done mosaics before. They're fun. An old board, hammer glass/ceramic, mortar, water, sponge is all you need.

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