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Vintage tricycle Murray 1960's

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (62 items)

    Older tricycle not a bike person but was offered to me for 20 dollars not sure if it is worth it and if it has any wrong parts ? thanks for any help. Front label can not be read . 2 steps in back
    ++++Solved Murray 1960's thanks

    Mystery Solved
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    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Pretty cool Mani...I think it's a 1960 Murray. The two tier steps in the back with the curved bar are unique. Here's a great site:
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Sweet, Sweeter and the Sweetest! so Art Deco.......GOOD BUY !!

      Something like this maybe??

      1950 S Style, Vintage Children, Retro Bikes, 1950S Child S, Children Tricycle, 1950 S Tricycle

      It is SWEET for $ 20 !!!
    3. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      It looks like it might say Procter ?
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Check the caps on the rear wheels as well for a name Mani :)
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      ~ also sometimes the pedal have a name on the ( on the side plastic ) or even at the metal ends ........or back of seat, or underneath seat. Gotta be something somewhere other that the Badge / label
    6. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Not seeing any marks but thanks for helping , It looks closest to a Murray by photos Many thanks to you all ! :-)
    7. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      I will go back tomorrow and pick it up and look more close for all the suggestions on where to search like hub caps ect :-) Only thing is it is so cool I want to ride it lol
    8. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Rose you talked me into it lol
    9. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      60's Murray.
    10. fortapache fortapache, 9 years ago
      Very cool tricycle with that fender. That is a steal for $20.
    11. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thanks nicefice for sharing your knowledge on trikes . It was fender that I loved so much :-) will get better pics today
    12. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thanks AZtom on thinking Murray like others have suggested . Hope to tell more when I go back today and pay :-)

      Thanks Fort ! I was thinking 20 was pretty good price on it . It was donated to church day care .
    13. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      nicefice what do you use to clean your trikes can I ask ?
    14. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      GREAT find for only $20. [;>)
    15. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thanks NevadaBlades :-) I wasn't to sure but just loved the retro look it had :-)
    16. mikeigotit mikeigotit, 9 years ago
      Yeah baby !!! Now that is HOTT, Love it ! great buy !!!!
    17. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Thanks mikeigotit :-) always happy to see you
    18. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Fantastic buy " if I was a kid again and if I could ever got over being a kid... " kind of piece you have to have. Glad you were offered this treasure !!xo
    19. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Phil I sure never had a cool art deco looking tricycle as a kid so I my have ride this one :-) Thanks for stopping and I will have to do some restoring in my future . xo
    20. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 9 years ago
      Nice ride Mani !!! You've posted a pic of you driving your pick up now we need a pic of you on your trike !
    21. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 9 years ago
      is this your new ride!lolololol;)
    22. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Ok Hedge but we have snow here not tricycle weather lol. Thanks for stopping and making me smile :-)

      Yes gargoyle my new ride and it is cheap to ride no gas and has room to bring along a friend on back too so I could take you for a spin lol
    23. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 9 years ago
      Wow this is so cool! Beautiful design.

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