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"Belleek" 8" "Jack-In-The-Pulpit" Vase / 3rd Green Mark / Circa 1965-80

In Pottery > European Art Pottery > Show & Tell and China and Dinnerware > Belleek China > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity3 of 55Belleek Mythical Dolphin and Shell Centerpiece  2nd period black mark.1891-1926Unusual Belleek Signature
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1232 items)

    This had been hanging around the showcase wall at Volunteer's of American for a week or so. Monday is color change day for 50% and 75% so this finally got put out on the discount shelves. I wasn't sure what it was initially and really thought it was kind of ugly. Then I turned it over and saw the Belleek mark on the bottom. So being nice Irish porcelain made it a little more appealing and half off even better. These are very easy to date as the marks changed colors over the decades. This is number three of the three green marks and used from 1965-1980. I've seen listings on Ebay calling this form rare but I really don't know much about Belleek in terms of shapes and rarity. -Mike-

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Very nice Mike !
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks Mani :)
    3. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      @very nice web site for belleek house mike, you can have an acurated dating system in regard of colors Mark.
      I have a few belleek they nice quality China porcelain.
      Very nice one.

    4. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      Your knowledge is amazing and thank you for sharing. It's always cool to get it at a discount, but then you take the chance of missing out. I love your info but very glad you don't shop my rounds. ;)
    5. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Belleek is always good, and this almost looks like a lustre glass piece.
      I love that we can date their stuff from backstamps.
    6. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks Alan, OGF, and Karen....yes Belleek does make it rather easy to pin point their dates. I must admit I know very little beyond the backstamp coding. I have one other piece with the gold stamp which is even newer.
    7. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
      wonderful and rare
    8. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks Kivatinitz :)...that's nice to know :)
    9. epson233 epson233, 9 years ago
      you have some beautiful postings mike -- is that a picture of highlander -- love his name -- my first maine coon lived to be 27
    10. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much Epson....yep, that's Benji we just call him the "highlander" cat because he's been around forever and we're really not sure how old he is.My guess would be over twenty one at least. The picture was probably taken 5-6 years ago.
    11. upscalebohemian, 8 years ago
      Nothing in green mark or later Belleek, and especially in this once ubiquitous "Cob Lustre" finish (ivory body with yellow detail glaze), is ever rare. You could probably fill the state of Rhode Island with it and more would still keep coming. :)

      This is in the vintage catalogs as the "Sunflower Vase," even though it's clearly nothing like a sunflower, and is more like the flower on a trumpet vine.

      I guess it got that name because it's leaning, as though following the light, like a sunflower.

      Belleek, however, had a reputation for being very exacting in its design work with authentic flowers and shell forms, and so I think the "Sunflower Vase" name is something someone in marketing came up with, as opposed to what its designer had in mind.

      Anything in this finish and green mark or later that's described as rare on eBay can easily be found many times over just with a search. They just made a ton of it, and with little variation, for decades.

      This "Cob Lustre" was also the entry level finish and on most everything. It was like Lenox in its ivory body, but with the addition of yellow detail glaze. It was way overused. They don't make it anymore, but around 1986 and into the early 1990s this was often all you could buy anymore, so there's a lot of it.

      Other finishes (such as pink or green tint, or pink or green tint with gilt), when offered, cost a bit more, but some time early in the 1980s this was pretty much the only option on a lot of Belleek, especially on tea ranges with lots of pieces that would have to be kept in inventory where other finishes were all but discontinued for some time.

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