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Glass salad bowl from Kurata

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Kitchen3612 of 8181Peanut Candy Container?Handy Things Duplex Serving Fork
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (559 items)

    The Japanese were quick post war to start producing high quality glass for dining and most of it stayed in Japan for domestic use.

    This set is like many I have seen and dates to the 1950s.
    Most glass houses produced items similar to this.

    The bowl has been mouth blown in clear, white, and red glass and has been hand worked to shape.
    It has been made to the usual Kurata standard and is beautifully finished.

    Nesting in it's bespoke plywood box it is accompanied by 5 stainless steel and plastic snack forks in their elastic holder.

    Diameter: 30cm

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    1. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      Upon first sight, I thought it was a fancy candle container/holder. That tells you how much I know about glass!!! {;>)
    2. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Thanks you Mudwoman. Glad it appeals!

      Blade - you will learn here that's for sure. Don't buy any - it is a slippery slope!
      Thanks :))
    3. TinMachine60 TinMachine60, 9 years ago
      Hi racer4four! What a wild looking glass piece with the temptingly "delicious" orange "glaze"! Racer4four, what do you know about Stengl pottery and dinnerware that was made in Trenton New Jersey back in the day. I can recall going there with my dad when they were in operation. All hand-painted pieces.......we still use it and have quite a bit of it....I remember the kilns.....just asking.....have a great day!
    4. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Being in Australia I don't see Stangl so know little about it.
      There are a few posts here on CW of Stangl so if you use the search button top right you might get some info.
      Otherwise post some photos - there are some here with lots of knowledge about US potteries. besides, I'd like to see it!

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