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Coffee Tins at Renninger's Sunday Morning Antiques Show

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Coffee Collectibles303 of 3031960's Retro Coffee Pot by Cinque Ports Pottery LtdPink Octopus Mug
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (156 items)

    Some nice old coffee tins in Boyd and Anne Hitchner's booth at the Renninger Antiques Market in Adamstown, PA.

    I love the marketing on these: "new and true" (red white and blue). "Ground to Suit." "The Happy Blend" (you wouldn't want unhappy coffee). Senate Brand. Hmmm... maybe the Senate should stick to making coffee!

    Part of my summer 2010 whirlwind east coast antiques tour.

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    1. BHenry BHenry, 15 years ago
      Oh this is enchanting to me. I do collect old coffee related items. When I look at them I can almost smell the aroma of a good cup of java.
    2. Lenora Hill, 14 years ago
      Hello, I am trying to find information on 4 cans of Pan American Coffee. These coffee tins are small, with a white paper label with the blue Pan American logo. I can send pictures if you would like. Could you please give me any information? Thank You
    3. DSwartz, 13 years ago
      We found an old Butter-Nut coffee tin in a barn at my grandparents homestead. it has a picture of trees with coco beans hanging it also has a landscape in the bottom. Roasted by Paxton and Gallagher Co-Omaha. It has the tin lid on top. The bottom of the tin is stamped with W TE. Was wondering if we could get an estimate of age and what the can might be worth? Thanks

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