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Texaco Black T

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (956 items)

    While on a recent ski vacation with our kids and grandkids I happened to check out the Classifieds in a local publication to see this cool 48" Black T Texaco sign advertised. It turned out to be double sided with the ring. I couldn't get the number dialed fast enough & we had the deal pinned down within minutes. Since it was about 200 mi from where we were skiing we had to wait to pick it up & then wait till after a funeral service to get it out of the back of my wife's car. Yep, that's me in my funeral suit. What a fun hobby!

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    1. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      What is the significance of the black outlined T? The one I have posted is also a black outlined T.
    2. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Nice find:) it has the ring on it too!!
    3. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      AzTom it's just a term used to explain the smaller 48" signs the oldest and the best in my opinion.
    4. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Yes the black outline was the first design & they made both a single sided 4' sign and a double sided. Ours is the double sided and came with the ring so we can hand it from a pole in our Collection. Trey is the expert & finds more good stuff than the Pros.
    5. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for the love it. Had to pay $400 but it seemed fair since its its double sided with the ring.
    6. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    7. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      That's good and that's exactly what I got my HC Sinclair 48" for. I thought it was a good deal because I've seen the rings for sale for 450.00 by themselves with no sign:)
    8. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      As u know, prices have gone nuts lately & even $400 seems crazy, but it is a bargain compared to what I see on EBay. This ring is interesting as it is just flat steel with tabs welded on for attaching the sign.
    9. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for the comment & love it.
    10. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Sorry I meant 42" AzTom my Sinclair is 48":)
    11. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      I think the 42" was SSP & the 48" was DSP? Is that right?
    12. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      The Texaco black T's are all 42" SSP and DSP. The Sinclairs were 48" SSP and DSP.
    13. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Thanks for that info. Any date line on the black T? Mine is 42" and also has the ring.
      Mine is NOT for sale but if it were I wouldn't sell it for $400.
    14. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Your style sign is from the 1930's AzTom:)
    15. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Thank you Trey.
    16. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for the love it
    17. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for your love it
    18. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Thx for your love it
    19. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      I just made a discovery of a group of the shepherds poles for these signs:)
    20. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      We're not allowed a Yard Sale sign in the yard, so I'll have to pass,lol
    21. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      You could hide it in the back yard AzTom LOL!!
    22. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      I want them all
    23. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      Do you have a functional gas station? Someone may one day come there looking for fuel!
    24. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      Actually the cars line up daily in front of the cool Red Indian gas pump that advertises gas at .15 cents a gallon. Not sure if it's to buy gas or just because the Exit Key Pad is also near the pump? Nahhhhh! It's gotta be the cheap gas prices!!!
    25. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      LOL. Sounds like an amazing place.
    26. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      I don't think I can part with one LOL
    27. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 9 years ago
      U tempt us and tease us by announcing to the world that you have a whole cache of sign poles and won't share any of them? I can't wait to see them standing all over your yard with your beautiful signs hanging in them. Hmmmm? AzTom says he can't even put up a Garage Sale sign in his yard w/o problems. I can't wait to see the poles up!!!

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