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Heckert Crocus

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (87 items)

    Recently Warren posted a 'Crocus' vase on CW assigning it to Rindskopf or to Pallme-Koenig in the Teplice area. This post might help to clarify the assignment of this decor. Usually shape is not a unique descriptor to be used for assignment of an item to a specific producer, but if the shape is very significant, it might be of greater help. In this post all vases have nearly the same, rare shape. The is a vase shows the 'Crocus' decor in question, the next two vases are - by decor - definitely made by Heckert and also the 'Streifen+Flecken' decor of the vase is known to be made by Heckert, too. In addition, there exist similarly shaped vases made by Heckert. So, putting these observations together, the 'Crocus' decor might have been produced by Fritz Heckert in Petersdorf, Silesia. I would be in favor of this assignment (though Kralik might still be an option by comparing only vases 1 and 4), especially as there is no Rindskopf nor any Pallme-Koenig vase of this shape known up to now. Finally, all photos are not by the author, but are taken from ebay or other auctions, thanks to the unknown owners, without their Kind contributions this post would not have been possible.

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    1. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      Great post & write up.
      Love it.

    2. welzebub welzebub, 9 years ago
      Although image angles are slightly different I would make the following observations regarding the shapes shown here. This is only done as a comparison of shapes.

      The center two images appear to show an example of a shape with a more ovoid vase body compared to the 1st and 4th which show a shape with what appears to be a more spherical body form. The stem portion of the 2nd and 3rd shapes also appears to be more vertically linear in comparison to the 1st and 4th examples, which appear more curvilinear in their form.

      My initial analysis of the shapes based on these photos would be that we have two quite similar shapes shown, but that they possibly represent two different houses. While I would agree that the 2nd and 3rd are by the same house, and Heckert production, I would reserve judgement on the other two. I would go as far as to say that the 1st and 4th examples are also from a common house, and to me at least, would need additional examples with multiple decors to say that all 4 are from a common production source.

      Where I find shapes comparisons to be extremely useful, I have also found that examining dissimilarities in quite similar forms is as important, sometimes more important, than a comparison of the similarities they share. I think this set of 4 pieces is a good example of that. Could they be different molds from a common house? Sure, but I would want at a minimum, to see each of what I see as two shape variations in a common decor.

      Is it possible that the Crocus décor is not by Kralik as assigned? Absolutely. Time has shown shifting décor attributions over and over again. The Crocus décor remains on as a Kralik attribution, as I have not seen enough in the way of strong supporting evidence to change the attribution, as was done with the Silberbands being reassigned to Heckert on the Silberband pages.

      Thanks Kai. As usual, you provide very interesting information and comparisons.
    3. kairomalte, 9 years ago
      Hi Craig,

      I'm still hapy to remember the interesting time and the good discussions we had, when you set up your excellent website on Kralik, where I had the honor to make some contributions. Since then, thanks to the work of Stefania Zelasko, most silverbanded vases - previously assigned to Kralik and used to assign the 'Crocus' decor, too - had to be reassigned to Heckert. Besides the shape comparison showed here, other aspects of design and production may be taken into account. Without going into much detail, one might compare the band of light green flecks surrounding the blue-red crocus flower itself. The green flecks are made by melting in, irregularly shaped green glass paricles (not round like in 'Papilon') into the opake glass forming the vase, followed by irisation. The very same décor/technique you will find again in the well known Heckert 'Marmopal' vases. Concerning your comments about the shape, to my opinion only the 'Streifen+Flecken' decorated vase does not fit to 100% into this series and the assignment to Heckert is not touched thereby at all. Hopefully there will be found further evidence to assign the 'Crocus' décor uniquely.
    4. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 9 years ago
      Great article, Kai. I think your summary which eliminates Rindskopf but leaves the possibility of this decor being produced by either Heckert or Kralik is spot on! Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
    5. welzebub welzebub, 9 years ago
      Thanks Kai. I have always enjoyed our discussions. Zelasko's work and book were what motivated me to change the Silberbands on the site and note that the décor is Heckert's.

      I did also notice that the rim folds on the Crocus shown here seem similar to the rim folds on the Silberbands shown here, but the stem difference is still, at least to me a noticeable variation in shape that prevents me from committing to a Heckert attribution quite yet. The Streifen und Flecken on the other hand does have both a different stem, and also quite different manipulation of the rim.

      Hopefully at some point the décor ran be reassigned, if it is indeed not Kralik.

      Thanks again, Always a pleasure!
    6. kairomalte, 9 years ago
      Thank you for all kind contributions and discussions as well as for all loves and likes.
    7. Historismus Historismus, 9 years ago
      "Usually shape is not a unique descriptor to be used for assignment of an item to a specific producer,..." In the case of Heckert, this would be not be true. Heckert had the good habit of patenting not only their decors, but also their glass forms. In many cases the designer of the glass form is known.

      I'd agree that #2-4 are by Heckert. However, #2 & #3 are one glass form, and #4 is a different glass form. Rationale: the bases are different, as well as the rim.

      I'd have to say that #1 is not by Heckert. The decoration does not follow any of the known Heckert decoration styles. Based on the image posted, I wouldn't be able to attribute the decoration designer because it is so different. If Heckert did this, it would be highly detailed.
    8. kairomalte, 9 years ago
      I totally agree, Heckert patented shapes etc., you may please have a look onto Thamm shape Th-60 published on page 201 fig. 349 of S.Zelasko in her book 'Fritz Heckert'. With respect to the 'known decoration styles' I just would like to remember onto all the silverbanded vases (besides many others) previously assigned to Kralik.
    9. Historismus Historismus, 9 years ago

      Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Wann ja, Bitte ihren Nachricht auf Deutsch wieder geben. Ihren Englisch ist ein bischen schwierig zum verstehen.

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