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Kralik baluster form murrine tango glass vase

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (573 items)

    I have to apologise for the low light levels here in the UK, but here is a large tango murrine/millefiori Kralik baluster form vase. Unmarked and with a ground but not polished rim.
    26cm high.

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    1. swfinluv1 swfinluv1, 9 years ago
      That's just gorgeous!
    2. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      I just love this Ian, particularly the 'Bassett's Liquorice Allsorts' murrines. Not all the UK, up here we had brilliant sunshine and a South of France blue sky!
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      So Pretty !!
    4. kralik1928 kralik1928, 9 years ago
      i bid on this sucker!! congratz
    5. kralik1928 kralik1928, 9 years ago
      p.s. we have great light levels in Cali : )
    6. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 9 years ago
      I'm sorry you were disappointed! I would love your light but not your geology!

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