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Jema Holland Small Twin Budgie Clocks numbered (413)

In Clocks > Mantel Clocks > Show & Tell and Mid-Century Modern > Show & Tell.
Mantel Clocks271 of 716Jema Holland Large Double Parrot Mantle Clock numbered (425)Jema Holland Twin Budgies Mantle Clock numbered (401)
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (62 items)

    These ones I adore.

    2 variations of Jema Holland Small Twin Budgie Clocks numbered 413.

    Not so easy to locate around the world. I think anyone who has one is not selling it that's for sure.

    I am fortunate enough to have yet again 2 colour variations of this fab clock with one being the "common" blue and the more rarer colour being pinkish.

    Obviously there must of been good sales for Budgie Clocks in their day as Jema made quite a few different styles/ numbered ones.

    Hope you enjoy Viewing

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