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Rindskopf Aventurine Vase

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Bohemian Art Glass3487 of 6906Possibly the most disappointing glass book ever RucklCobalt Blue Multicolours Spatter Vase, Circa 1930
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (134 items)

    Another post for Andy Jelcic.

    Ok, I'll confess everything, but don't show and don't tell. There was a pair of red aventurine Rindskopf vases on eBay, you might have seen them. One had a battered collar, the other one had none. I skipped the first, but the other did not sell, it was not expensive, so I took the risk and bought it. I presumed that it might take months until I find an appropriate collar, but it happened so that in the first week a simple, transparent glass vase cropped up with a perfectly dimensioned collar in good condition, British like the missing one, and from the appropriate period. I was the only bidder and after it arrived I - well - cooked that vase. The collar did come off, so I could proceed to phase II.
    It included a visit to a jeweller's shop, where the collar was cleaned and a tiny dent repaired. On the other side of the same street is a dentist technician, who was kind enough to properly attach the collar with plaster of Paris. I thanked her with a box of sweets and now I have a perfect red aventurine. Happy Easter to everybody!

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      ~ Stunning ~
    2. dlfd911 dlfd911, 9 years ago
      It really came out perfect. Usually these things don't fit exactly and look out of place, but this one looks like it was always there.
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
    4. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 9 years ago
      Great story and so lucky to find a color that was the exact size and period for this vase. Usually, "marriages" exhibit differences but these two are definitely soul mates.

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