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Crystal Uranium Wine Goblets

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (33 items)

    Could not pass these up today while trolling goodwill, especially at 99 cents a piece :) Now to start my quest of who the maker of these is.

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    1. AmatoorPikr, 9 years ago
      Incredible find!!!
    2. MeliG MeliG, 9 years ago
      Have to say I was a bit surprised as well AmatoorPikr. Thanks for the love aura, racer4four & vetraio50 :)
    3. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      Lol, I want to grow up and be a Chihuly too!
      If you haven't already seen it, you need to check out the one he made that is in Dubai.
      I love his work and the fact that he was a student of Labino.
    4. MeliG MeliG, 9 years ago
      OneGoodFind, thank you for the link. I had not seen that, stunning piece. I have been living under a rock it appears. If you become a Chihuly I might acquire you if I can ever afford one. Now I have to look up Labino :P
    5. MeliG MeliG, 9 years ago
      O M G... the Emergence series. WOW. Ty so much for mentioning him, did not know who Chihuly studied under.
    6. Bettyb00 Bettyb00, 9 years ago
      Great find:)

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