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Rindskopf Cobalt "Striated" Glass Vase ca. 1900

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Rustfarm's loves2 of 1540parting wedge, screwdriver or chisel?Loetz Cobalt PG 377 "Lava" vase ca. 1900 PN# II-585
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (115 items)

    Rindskopf Cobalt blue "Striated" art glass vase ca. 1900-05 .. The surface is decorated with multiple Iridescent colored striations, it has a tooled rim that measures 6" across.. The vase measures 13" tall

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    1. SEAN68 SEAN68, 9 years ago
    2. Glassie Glassie, 9 years ago
      Thank Sean... and thanks to all for the loves
    3. Glassie Glassie, 9 years ago
      Thanks everyone for the loves

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