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Royal Hickman Design For "Haeger"/ 11" Male Panther On Crag /Amber Crystal Glaze/ Circa 1950

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1232 items)

    I've avoided Volunteer's of America for the last few days because selection has been quite poor over the winter months. Today though I was very glad I stopped in and found this wonderful Royal Haeger figure. This piece was designed by Royal Hickman one of Haeger's best sculptures who joined the company in 1938. The figure was part of a three piece set (see insert first pic) and was first introduced by Haeger in the early 1950's. Hickman excelled at creating his pieces in the art deco style and introduced an extraordinary line of art ware, called Royal Haeger. Hickman's work was daringly intricate with smooth, flowing lines and highly original glazes. A complete panther set like this would be very rare and the few I've seen online command prices in the hundreds of dollars. The amber crystal glaze on this piece is fantastic. It actually mimics the animals natural colors and then changes as it continues down to the base forming the mossy crag. Sadly my guy is missing about the last 1" or so curve to his tail. He's handsome none the less and could be restored without too much trouble. Now where are those other two pieces ?? -Mike-

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    1. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      Great eyes as usual Mike,,,, ;-)
      Congrats for this one.

    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much Alan for the "love" and compliment. :)
    3. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks as well to Phil, Nice,Bonnie, Nevada and Roy...:)
    4. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the "love" Kevin :)
    5. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      He was a great designer Royal Hickman, even if his parents picked a wanky name for him. Worked well with Haegar I guess.

      Lovely panther!
    6. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks "wanky" name...well I don't know about that. I guess it beats Percy,Leslie, or Murgatroyd. :)
    7. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thank you Pickr, Fran, and Kiva for the"loves" :)
    8. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      Guess it
    9. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Thanks Sklo... I think Royal is a cool name...and it sure :)

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