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EVERY Photo -----> Tells a Story ( Storm Cloud )

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi there CW gang:

    Have to say but "E - V - E - R - Y" Photo tells its own story of a passage in time and a story captured on film. This was a Big Storm cloud here that looked like an UFO .........LOL. This Photo was taken back around 1987. These days this is also know as a *WALL CLOUD * as it starts to have a hanging tail in the bottom. Even normal looking clouds that start to have this tail growing at the bottom are to be watched as that is the starting of a possible tornado. I enjoy watching the weather as most folks kinda do. Have never had a major Tornado here......where I know others are not so lucky

    I could not believe HOW big it got and was scared chit-less that this was the Big one that would destroy a city!! Funny part of this is that it developed big and then moved further North East and Blew it yourself out. Ended up not getting anything but some hard rain. Thank Goodness that happened as this was MASSIVE.

    As they say " A Picture is worth a 1000 words "

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING

    ~ Rose ~

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Thanks NICE for the quick Love and comment. Here is some Info on Wall Clouds

      and some images of that wall cloud tail thing, that they do not call a tail....LOL:

    2. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      Did you take this pic?
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Yes I did. I used to walk about 2 miles about 3 times a week ( after I had my Gall Bladder surgery ) and would take my camera along. This was taken with my SLR PENTAX K-1000 that I have bought. Yup, it is MY photo.....guess I should have water-marked them.............can do that now
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @IGGY -- There done, marked them. Again my pics taken with a SLR back in the 1980's -- then I used my DLR ( Digital camera ) to take a pic off of a pic -- since all my pics are on film or negatives......That is how I have to do it to get them on Digital. As NO digital camera back then......LOL.

      I used to go a lot of Photography contest after I got more aware how to use my camera...Plus got a another lens for it. I no longer have that camera ( wish I did )

      ~~ ~ ~ I am ATTACHING another Pic of Xmas Lights where I used a Special Filter lens on my get the STAR EFFECT of Xmas Light. It was just a lens cover that did this effect.
    5. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Great pics love them.
    6. iggy iggy, 9 years ago
      Awesome! Great job.
    7. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      That is crazy looking!!:)
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Just wanted to say today was 30 C here and with the Humidex it was like the equal to 35 C. So HOT, HOT HERE.

      Now under Storm watch here hope nothing happens here
    9. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Rose it was like that here last week batton down the hatches lol.
    10. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Rose it was like that here last week batton down the hatches lol.

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