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An Unbelivable Purchase

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Cambridge Glass28 of 57SAMOVAR Amber Glass Decanter - Cambridge Glass
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (36 items)

    As I was going home from work, on a Sunday afternoon over a year ago, I drove by an estate sale and stopped to see what they had left. I walked in a beautiful multi-level home, on the beach, and saw a picture on the piano. Went on my way and pick out these Cambridge pieces and purchased them. I asked the ladies who were doing the estate sale who's home this way and the stuttered and stammered and said someone with the name.....ah like Bacc......something. So I went home thinking it was Lauren Bachal, looked for pictures of her and found the exact picture of her in this shiny blouse with her head cocked sideways and was floored that I had just purchased part of her collection of Cambridge Moonlight glassware. There were many other pieces but could afford them at that time. This was approximately 4 months after she had passed away. Such a surprise purchase!! Oh, and I also purchased one of her little evening bags, still in a box with the receipt.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Great story and beautiful glass.
    2. ioachris ioachris, 8 years ago
      I love the story, and the pattern too..............what a great experience, and one of her little evening bags.......too!
    3. Wonderwoman Wonderwoman, 8 years ago
      Yes, it was quite the find and then being in her home. Saw her picture, one that I actually found on the internet, on the piano in her den or library. I wish I would have been able to buy more but the estate people were closing and I had to choose quickly from the other Moonlight pieces that were still there. Thank you for your comments.
    4. Wonderwoman Wonderwoman, 8 years ago
      Thank you for your comments

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