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Vintage " FIRESTONE TIRE " Ashtray ( Advertising )

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Ashtrays673 of 1370Anyone knows the history of this ?Beautifully hand painted ashtray
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1469 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    My FIRESTONE TIRE ashtray. Great collectible for advertising, and Tobacco Smoking things. I have a couple of these. Both the same. I remember when Garages Gas Stations had these on the counter. I remember my Dad going into the Garage and visit with the owner while they BOTH smoked right at the counter....LOL.

    ~ Times have changed for Smoking.

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING!!

    ~ Rose ~

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    1. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      I remember in grade school, back in the '50s, after eating lunch with the students in the cafeteria, our principal would light one up right there in the cafeteria!....... Ahhh, the good ol' days! [;>)))
    2. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Very cool :) you know I love it!!
    3. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 9 years ago
      I think about everyone over 50ish remembers seeing these but very few still have one nice find, I recall smoking while in the hospital now ya can't even smoke in the parking lot (a good thing I guess)
      I like the saying at the end but in my Moms case it was Mom sold it in a garage sale (even 1 of my old bongs that she sold as a vase) however I did keep Mom & Dads oversize ashtrays from the 50s & 60s
    4. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      lol.... ain't that the truth. People used to be able to smoke at their Desks. ETC and like you said. How things have changed.....and now all that stuff is Collectible.
    5. Gruff Gruff, 9 years ago
      I have never seen one of these before. Smoking is considered to be so terrible.
      But I still do it. This is a really cool ashtray
    6. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      I once had several of these back in the day. Before the internet they were kind of hard to find. My favorite were the early 30's with the 32-34 x ? tires on them.

      I'm guessing this one would be late 70's.
    7. MyFavoriteTreasures MyFavoriteTreasures, 9 years ago
      Today makes 45 days I am a non-smoker; had to quit cold turkey for upcoming procedure - no gum, no patch, no nicotine e-juice. No nicotine, period. Sheer torture, I'll tell you.
    8. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Good for you, I did the same thing, 30+ years ago. I have gotten rid of most of my tobacomania items.

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