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Deviled Eggs Serving Platter_Indiana Glass Hobnail Honey Amber

In Glassware > Indiana Glass > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity4 of 173Indiana Glass "Diamond point" Indiana Glass Company  Polar Bear Votive Candle Holder/Paperweight.  Model #06404
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (85 items)

    This is a trash (!) find. The beauty of this platter up close and personal is unbelievable. A quick research gave me the info posted in the title, as well as an idea that it's not a rare item, but i love it nonetheless. The only thing i'd like to know is its age (50', 60', 70's?).
    Thanks for looking and for any leads!

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    1. MyFavoriteTreasures MyFavoriteTreasures, 9 years ago
      AnnaB, I love it - I know what you're saying about the beauty up close. I was never a fan of the amber. Until recently. When I purchased my Indiana Glass relish tray, then needed something to pair it with so I ended up with the Lotus Bloom Compote. Now, I am a fan of this color; I will be collecting more of this color. This is a great piece - can't date it for you though (my guess would be 50's-60's).
    2. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      Me and you both =) I was never a fan, too. Until you hold it in your hands, you can appreciate it, it's like a piece of real amber, very rich. Thank you for your lovely comment and appreciation, MFT!

      Thomas, thanks for stopping by and the love!

    3. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      So cute and whimsical! But why on earth would anyone want to trash it?!!?
    4. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      Thank you, Nevada, for your nice comment and love. My extended family lives in one of New York city boroughs, they found it. They said back in the 90's they would often find bags full of perfect kitchenware, some of it valuable vintage, like several Pyrex sets i now have. I guess people who were moving out didnt want to take it, or an old person would pass away and a super cleaned out the apparment without giving a thought to what he was throwing out. The trend changed in 2000's, no such luck any more :-P
    5. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      Now something quite the opposite happens. We live in a very small retirement community here in Vegas, and even though my wife and I are in our mid 60s we're two of the younger ones here. A few months ago, a lady in her 90s passed away. She lived alone, so when her body was removed, her house became unoccupied. It didn't take long for several neighbors to rummage through the house and help themselves to several valuable items, until the lady's next of kin arrived from California 1 month later and had the house emptied and then sold. Some people.
    6. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      yes, stories like that make me sad on many levels...unfortunately, it happens all over the place, it's happening now across the street where i live.
    7. AnnaB AnnaB, 9 years ago
      Mike, officialfuel, aura, vetra, Nicefice, Roy, Amatoorpickr, Karen, fortapache, Sean, Martika- thank you for stopping by and your loves, much appreciated!
    8. jenre jenre, 9 years ago
      I love it too. I have it in clear.
    9. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      I have in clear AB & Amber AB.

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