Posted 9 years ago
(343 items)
This was bought today by Sergio to a serious dealer in downtown- It is a sort of welcome to me, since I had been suffering from my back very badly for three month and I am coming to live slowly. We had seen this on December but the price was elevated, so we postponed the purchase. It is a very strange glass, the enamel seems Harrach to me. The glass is very thick, a polished deep pontil, and with lots of silver flecks as little stars on a sky. The neck is short and the border has the prints of the implements used by the artisan. It is 20 cm long.
My feeling was wright, the site of another Cw fellow larksel. The one he presents is yellow but is the same vase shape and decor. Thanks larksel.
It is exquisite Kivanitz. A lovely gift to help you through your troubles.
Staring at this beauty would be a nice distraction.
love the blue !!! nice find!!!!
The right buy for back ache therapy! It is absolutely beautiful and unusual!
Thanks kyratango, Sean and racer I feel you are my friends.
Thanks Ian , Vetraio, charcoal, mikel and smiata for the loves
Not a clue who made this!
Thanks Ian for your answer
Best wishes for a continuing recovery. I had missed your posts, but you have returned with a beauty. As you mention Harrach, the putting an echo of the main design on the back of the vase, is something I've seen on Harrach. Just a passing thought......
get well soon my friend!!!! come post more of your beautiful things and miss ya !!
you are so kind Sean and Sklo for the wishes and comments
thanks aura, freiheit, ericocon, robin and Brunswick for the loves
thanks Michel and lovelypat for loves
thanks glassie girl for the love
Sorry to hear you weren't well, kivatinitz, hope you are on the mend now. Glad to see you back, and with such a beautiful piece of art glass. :)
thanks my dear katherine
Hi! me they look quite different, yours has a smooth outer casing of clear glass and mine is iridescent surface covered in frit giving it a a textured feel to it..also mine is an American glass, and I think yours looks Bohemian to's very beautiful..and I love the deep blue..I hope you are recovering and are feeling better..sorry I couldn't help....:-)
thanks inky for your comment and Ivonne for the love
thanks Agram.m for the love
thanks Vintagelamp, ho2cultcha, charcoal and Windwalker for the loves
Really nice, I have seen this kind of enamil before with flowers and fruit- painting quality. I love the vertical lobes that remind me of Viennese styles. Thanks
thanks to you kralik1928 for the hints and kind comment
I also think Harrach, with this lobed oval shape and the very fine enamel work, with those leaves in orange and green.
I think it's Harrach's production. In my collection, I have a vase of the same shape and painting in a different color design. see:
I am so glad of finding all this loves Newfld, vcal, MarmorealMaiden, freiheit, Roycroftbooksfromme1, ho2cultcha, worthit2, larksel, Truthordare, Michelleb007and and IronLace.