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Recent Activity23 of 312BottleBee Hive Mini Whiskey Jug: “Comptimenls (misspelled) of Hodson Grocery Anderson Ind”
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    Since there are some bottle collectors on here, I though I would post some of my bottle. This one still has the cap. My few bottles are Nothing fancy or rare ( I do not think). Just old bottles as it seems EVERYBODY has a few bottles in their collections.....LOL.

    Canadian G & W ( GOODERHAM & WORTHS ) Rye Whiskey Bottle in dark amber. Made in Canada by DOMINION GLASS ( the diamond imprint on the bottom with a D in it ). For Date made, I am guessing maybe around 1934?? or so?? This was just a bottle I saw at a garage sale and it was Cheap. ( .50 cents )

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!!!

    ~ Rose ~

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