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    Posted 9 years ago

    (436 items)

    I put up some Sterling Silver Chains and Pendants a few weeks ago and had intended showing some of the Sterling Silver rings that we also collected.....well here they are. We went to flea markets, garage sales and small antique shows to find these rings. I hope my photos will speak for themselves but if you want more info. on specific ones, we will provide it. RER(BOB)

    See all
    Natural Ammonite Fossil Gemstone Pendant Vintage 925 Sterling Silver Jewelry
    Natural Ammonite Fossil Gemstone Pe...
    14K Real Solid Gold Hand Engraved Diamond-Cut Round Small Hoops Earrings 13mm
    14K Real Solid Gold Hand Engraved D...
    Valentine's Gif Vintage Estate New Style 14k Yellow Gold FN 7.5
    Valentine's Gif Vintage Estate New ...
    Christmas Gif Vintage Estate New Style 14k Yellow Gold FN 7.5
    Christmas Gif Vintage Estate New St...
    Natural Ammonite Fossil Gemstone Pendant Vintage 925 Sterling Silver Jewelry
    Natural Ammonite Fossil Gemstone Pe...
    See all


    1. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      All are spectacular in my book Bob ! Great finds and collection. :)
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      I'm a "Ring Person", and love them all, especially that big red glass (?) ring.
    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      Thank you mikelv85 and valentino97 for the love and comments. The red rectangular ring is mounted with a ruby red stone that measures 1 1/8" long by 1/2" wide and is cut in hundreds of facets. It is mounted on a open shoulder (like a V") shank with a high gallery that holds the stone. The ring is unmarked but looks to be chromium is non-magnetic. It's quite impressive on the finger..
      Thank you also to rucklczglass, melaniej, Caperkid, NevadaBlades, kyratango and aura for the loves. RER(BOB)
    4. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      The Labradorite ring shown is for the ladies but I also have a Humongous Men's Labradorite ring that we picked up that would fit Rasputin or Andre the Giant. Thank you Efesgirl for the love. BOB
    5. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      Thank you SEAN68 and Hoosiergirl 68 for the loves. Bob
    6. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 9 years ago
      Thank you sklo42 and racer4four for the love, RER

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