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This WWI diary belonged to my grandpa's brother Cedric.

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Wartime Letters26 of 75By request, here are entries found in diaryWorld War Two 2 II KGB Spy Gestappo Arrest Warrant Cold War
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (12 items)

    This is the diary of my grandfather's brother Cedric Ottewell. Cedric also wrote and received letters from home. I have several of these letters including one that his mother talks about the flu that was taking lives of people they once knew.
    My grandpa enlisted as well, but was refused because he had a stiff leg. He always said that stiff leg may very well have saved his life! Cedric returned to Canada at the wars end.
    Thanks for looking.

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    1. Gillian, 9 years ago
      This is so cool. would you be able to post an entry into the diary (if any were made)? Very interesting. Thank you for sharing it.
    2. NanaM NanaM, 9 years ago
      Gillian, yes ,I will post an entry. Thanx for your interest!
    3. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 9 years ago
      "Would finder please forward home..." How poignant that he recognized he might not make it home, and that someone might at least send his diary back.

      The letter from his mother about the influenza would also be interesting. My own grandmother grew up in Alberta at the time and still had vivid memories of the epidemic from her early childhood (she was born in 1909 and passed away in 2009)

    4. NanaM NanaM, 9 years ago
      Thank you for your intest in my diary. It is a small world after all... Your grandmother having lived in Alberta too! It must have been stressful for all during the war, and the epidemic too.
    5. NanaM NanaM, 9 years ago
      Martika , thank you for the love
    6. NanaM NanaM, 9 years ago
      ttomtucker , thank you for stopping by. Thanks for the love
    7. Jean123, 9 years ago
      This is so great -- thank you for posting it and for the other post of the chilling diary entries. It is just beautiful
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      So, so interesting. What a Treasure !!!!!!

      "" Priceless ""
    9. lstreisel, 6 years ago
      I know this is a long shot, but I'd love to see more of this amazing diary. I hope we can get in touch somehow.

      I'm a school teacher in Edmonton and we will be visiting the Clover Bar cemetery where Cedric Ottewell is buried as part of a Remembrance ceremony called No Stone Left Alone. I was hoping to share some of Cedric's story with our students so they can make a real connection to this important event.

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