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Glasfabrik Schliersee green rib optic vase, PN 282/I, ca. 1910

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Bohemian Art Glass3190 of 6681Bohemian Welz Triple Thorn Vases BOHEMIAN ART NOUVEAU BRONZE MOUNTED GREEN THREADED GLASS VASE,Circa 1900
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (649 items)

    Readers here may remember Dave's post of Andy's vase by Glasfabrik Schliersee in the same shape with a metal mount in the Aspasia decor (dark red over yellow). This one is a little more plain, but I love it all the same. Any time a documented Schliersee piece comes up, it should be snapped up, as they are generally fairly rare, and the quality is on a par with Loetz, Kralik, or any of the other great glass houses. The iridescence is nice, the color is deep, and the slightly twisted vertical optic ribs add interest.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Really wonderful. I love the shape.
    2. Project_Harrach Project_Harrach, 9 years ago
      Being that there's not that many Schliersee pieces documented in Christine's book, you have to wonder what else they made eh?
    3. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 9 years ago
      There are a few pieces out there I suspect are Schliersee, but no drawing, so I am left to wonder. :)
    4. dlfd911 dlfd911, 9 years ago
      Oh yes, that would be this one:

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