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Paparmachie Pin Brooch richly decorated with a flowered centre and gold chain type decoration around rim, signed on rear.

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (404 items)

    Can anyone identify this signature? Paparmachie Pin Brooch richly decorated with a flowered centre and gold chain type decoration around rim, signed on rear.

    Small with a diameter of 5cm.

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    1. davyd286, 9 years ago
      This brooch is Russian, and Russian signatures often include only part of the name ending with a decorative "squiggle". Many are impossible to read and/or identify unless they can be compared to a list of known names. The first letter could be "Kh" but it just as well could be an "L". The pin is pretty even though it was not made by one of the leading makers, I think it comes from the "cottage industry", i.e., a craftsman working from a home studio. Sorry, can't be more helpful.
    2. GeodeJem GeodeJem, 9 years ago
      Its an education thank you davyds286
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago

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