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Vintage folk art weathervane(looking for any information please)

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Recent Activity26 of 47Weather Vane GeorgeAntique Weathervane Colllection Jim Linderman
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (3 items)

    Found this by the side of the road. It is mostly steel. The chickens are a type of balsa-like wood. The birds swivel on their axis. There is a threaded post that comes up through the centre of the piece. It must have held a finial of some type. The chicken bodies look like they've been painted, but some time ago. The paint is crackled. It measures approximately 22" high. Any information on age and possible value would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for looking. Have a great day!

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    1. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Great piece!

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