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Murano Art Glass Bowl - AVEM

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Art Glass10045 of 22787Another Murano Art Glass Bowl ( Leaf type ) A.V.E.MRichard Clements Australian Studio Glass perfume Bottle
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    I had this for about 10 years, and just getting around to posting it now. I believe this bowl is made by AVEM as I have seen it with a that label on it, so I am pretty safe to say that. Lots of funky colors in it, with flecks of foil in it.

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!!!

    ~ Rose ~


    P.S - Just trying out my Brand New Pentax DSLR here I got for Free and with Free Shipping. I cash in some Points I had been saving over the years -- and treated myself to this. Still reading the manual on it, and experimenting yet. Bear with me.....


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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Wish you some great photos with this camera, love it !
    2. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      A free Pentax digital camera!??! Collect points??? Company??? Did I miss something??? [;>)))))))
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      @NevadaBlades - Yeah through Safeway and other places you collect Air Miles on so much of your purchases. It came in around 1992 ( LOL ) and I have been collecting just a little at a time. I had almost 10,000 Air miles so I could use for a flight or just redeem them on something. So I redeemed 4,800 Air miles on this. So it was FREE and the Shipping and postage was included in. So never cost a cent - but was saving for a while.

      So they are changing the program I had to redeem some before Dec 31/2016 or I might lose some with the change-over. So What the Hey --- Get myself a Camera. LOL I went with Pentax ( from the air Miles program ) as I used to have a "SLR Pentax K-1000" back in the late 1970' I thought i would stick with Pentax
    4. DecoVoo DecoVoo, 9 years ago
      Nice bowl and great camera!
    5. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      Aw, heck! I HATE flying, so.....(no place to go but down, and I mean really down!). PENTAX, CANON, NIKON ~ if it's Japanese, it's good. For the money, the best cameras in the world. There are better cameras ~ LEICA, HASSELBLAD ~ but they cost like a zillion dollars. And you got yours FREE, lucky dawg, you!
    6. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      Can I just say I'm jealous? :)
    7. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 7 years ago
      Another oldie. It's taken a few years but I finally got here. This is very similar to the one I've just bought, except the blue on mines possibly more turquoise. I love the variety of colours, particularly the spotty ones. Beautiful.

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