Posted 9 years ago
(436 items)
Result of the kyratisation!
Lacks of enamel completed with white polymer clay.
Colored with watercolour pencils and a thin brush before "cooking" at 110 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.
After cooling, a thin layer of OPI (brand name)
matte top coat nail polish, applied with same thing flat brush I used for coloring.
Total process took 3/4 of an hour.
Et voilà! :-D
Nobody does it better!!
Amazing and quite beautiful.
Bonnie, just posted and already you're giving such a nice comment and love! Thank you!!!
Jean123, thank you so much, you're fast too :-)
Thomas, thank you for your lovely visit!
Clever kyra, it's a beauty.
I would be afraid of the oven process - that (with my luck) the whole thing would melt into a blob. Kudos to you Kyra, you've made it like new again.
Also, love your palettes - the heart stones are a very good idea. I'm always on the look out for heart shaped stones. A beautiful presentation.
Haha Gillian, no risk at 110 Celsius! :-)
I even "cooked" a wounded real butterfly wing brooch:
Butterfly wings brooch kyratisation ! Part #1 | Collectors Weekly
Butterfly wings brooch kyratisation, part#2. | Collectors Weekly
I needed a rough palette to mix the watercolour, the heart rock was far more decorative than the back of my oven dish, lol!
Thank youuuuu!
Blushing... Thank you Glassiegirl for your gorgeous comment and compliment :-)
Thanks Oroyoroy! :-D
Thanks Jean!
Beautiful work ! Good as new Kyra. :)
Gorgeous work !
It is just are so clever!!
Oh kyratango, this is soooooooooo lovely. Wow. Seriously, wow.
Thank you for your so kind comments and love, Mike, Phil, TassieDevil and Katherine!!!
Many thanks to you too for your highly appreciated loves, Nutsabotas, Aura and Melanie. :-)
Fantastic job , most talented :-)
That takes a lot of smarts and patients.
Wonderful work
Thank you so much for your kind compliments, Oldfashionedgirl and Masterpearl, so gratifying for an amateur :-)
Hi Valentino dear friend! Thank you for your visit and appreciation of my repairs :-))
Thank you Sean, Davyd, Hoosiergirl and Trey for loving my repair :-)