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Costume Pendants148 of 267need help identifying artist and eraCostume Brooch/Pendant with Opaline Glass
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (25 items)

    Hi lovelies,
    I haven't posted much lately but I pop in and out for a look 'n a lurk now and again. I hope you're all well.
    I found this beaut in a job lot of jewellery I bought recently, most of which appeared to have a Native Anerican feel to it. The lady I bought it from is an aid worker and travels extensively so anything is possible. This was very black and dirty and I've been working away at it for weeks with a soft brush and its come up nice. It still looks coated under a loupe and I haven't found any markings yet. It looks, feels, and smells like silver and doesn't respond to a strong magnet but I think it may be nickel silver or German silver. I got excited by the stone at first as I thought it might be Citrine but it feels warmer like glass. No bubbles though, that I can see.
    I bet Kyratango will be able to help me out there though - Hi Kyra! - and as always I'll be very grateful for your input and company.

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    1. Emme Emme, 9 years ago
      Topaz? Looks like some old Tibetan silver earrings I had.
    2. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Hi Hoipolloi :-)
      That's a chunky beautiful pendant! Real sunshine, yummy colour!!!

      The "rosettes" decor has an exotic feeling, and for me, it is silver, but don't know the purity...

      For the stone, it doesn't seem to have sharp sides on the facets, a real stone cutting (or high quality crystal) is very neat and crisp, so thinking pressed glass, but difficult to say for sure only from pics!
    3. Hoipolloi Hoipolloi, 9 years ago
      Thanks Emme and Kyra. The facets are quite crisp and sharp; it's my shaky camera hand that blur them, haha! It does feel like glass though because it's never very cold. No air bubbles though. The more I brush it the shinier it gets it I haven't uncovered any purity marks. I put a little scratch on it and looked at it under the loupe and it's nice and silvery. I've just bought a gorgeous Amber necklace and it looks quite good on it. It's become my chill out piece because every time I get stressed (most of the time tbh) I pick it up and brush it until I'm calm. There'll be nothing left of it by May Day! Thanks again xx
    4. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 9 years ago
      Very nice! Love the color of the stone. From the front it looks irish or scottish to me but the backside where there is a loop to put the chain in it looks a little to plane (just that part) for me to feel sure about my idea. The loop looks like the ones I have seen on indian pendants. But it could also be that it's old and a pesant made piece made to look more "fine". I think it looks great!
    5. pebble pebble, 9 years ago
      Topaz was the first thing I thought of too. The stone looks a lot like a topaz my brother bought and had set in silver when he was in India. The setting looks a bit like some Indian pieces I have.
    6. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 9 years ago
      Pretty birthstone for me... Scorpio(Nov.18th) I have never seen one like it. I want one!!

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