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Champion Spark Plugs…..

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1006 items)

    Champion Spark Plugs sign as seen on a building in Kingston, PA. This place has a storied history, as it had formerly been a factory that made caps for kids' cap guns. (Citing the dangers of this, the town FD got an order for the business to leave town. Shortly thereafter, it exploded with much devastation at its new location!). Following that, an auto parts store occupied the space, until the owner's retirement. Then it became a pizza restaurant and bar, closing in 2015, again due to the owners' retiring. The building is now for sale.

    This sign, obviously, is a vestige of the parts business. It is located on a wall visible to traffic, until a garage was built, occluding the view. And so it remains, as an indicator of one of its previous incarnations.

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    1. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 9 years ago
      Thank you, Thomas….I appreciate the love...
    2. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 9 years ago
      Hi, officialfuel, thank you for the love….
    3. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 9 years ago
      Hello, v-50! thank you for the love!
    4. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 9 years ago
      Hey, Bobby 725….I am grateful for the love!
    5. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 9 years ago
      Thank you all for the love of this mural image!
    6. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      You need to save that one :)
    7. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 9 years ago
      Thanks, Trey…I would like to salvage that Champion sign, as well as the Empress Ice Cream sign that I had posted a little while back. :)

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