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Norwegian Sailor's Playing Cards Wooden Box (Treen)

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (210 items)

    My family has sailing in it's blood and like many northern folk believe we have viking in us to. Well the Viking part maybe be a bit fanciful, but the sailing isn't.

    When I found these cards, many years ago in a junk shop I just fell in love with them, the beautiful handmade box, which I have no doubt was made by Seaman Siglande, and the incredibly evocative cards. Just look at them! When do you ever see cards get into this kind of condition? Worn down from hours, months maybe a few years of play. Why didn't he just buy new cards, why repair them?

    They can't be that old really - sticky tape and the word 'Foreign' on the joker; but there is a real sense of a physical connection to the individual who made this box, owned and played these cards. Of course, the box maybe much older.

    Anyway if someone could translate the text on back I would really appreciate it - anyone got any Viking friends? I haven't, not that I wouldn't want a Viking friend, I just don't know any.....!!

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