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Teplitz/Pallme-Koenig opal glass vase, violet threads and orange oil spots, ca. 1905

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (649 items)

    This piece and I have been eyeballing each other for at least the last six years. It has been coming in and out of town for at least that long, with a dealer at our local antiques show, which happens every two months. After many years, the price point at which the dealer was willing to drop and the price I was willing to pay finally converged. It pays to be patient sometimes!

    White opal glass with an orange oil-spot field on the bottom third, and violet glass threads on top. Very similar to one of the Teplitz shades and another vase that Alfredo posted a while back. The opal glass in this one does not glow under black light, however. Three rim ruffles with six offset indents around the body of this piece give it that organic look that the glassmakers in and around Teplitz were famous for.

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