Posted 9 years ago
(5 items)
Tell me more about this, it is 10 1/4" Letter Opener. I will say it is very heavy, the current owner has owned it over 30 years, not sure where it came from. The top part of it is a naked woman back and front. The current owner believes it is a Natsi Letter Opener, it does have numbers and a word carved in the blade. He felt sure the date of 1944 was carved in the blade but it doesn't look like that to me it looks like 19LL. I didn't post pictures of the date but I did of the word. I can post or send more pictures of the numbers. The current owner would like to know as much as possible about it he wants to sell it. To me it looks like Brass or Silver, but again it's very heavy for a letter opener, but it has lots of details, the wings, the girl, it has what to me looks like a Capital D 28th a dog inside of it. Anyone have any ideas?
BB2 was here