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1948 Coke Sign (Canadian)

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Designer's loves1664 of 3255Pan am1950's Coca-Cola Thermometer - Cigar type
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (185 items)

    So while at the auction a few weeks ago I met up with a fellow collector whom I've purchased items from before. This sign was up for bid, but he advised that he had one in better condition I could buy from him. So this past Friday I picked it up. The guide shows the french version.

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    1. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 9 years ago
      Beauty! Good timing. I've not seen one of these before.
    2. CokeKid-04 CokeKid-04, 9 years ago
      Thanks DN! Surprised you haven't seen one before. Maybe that is why only the French version is in the guide.(?)
      Could be worth millions! ;-)
    3. CokeKid-04 CokeKid-04, 9 years ago
      Thanks everyone for the "love".
    4. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Good score:) it pays to know the right people.;)
    5. CokeKid-04 CokeKid-04, 9 years ago
      Thanks Trey, and yes, I agree. Getting to see their collection is inspiring. Some great stuff out there. Can't own everything, but great to see it being preserved by many.

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