Posted 9 years ago
(77 items)
This 11 1/2 inch tall vase is a purple / gray color with 4 press seams (evident on base) is a mystery to me . It has a ruffle lip , a starburst pattern on four sides with a loop pattern around each burst ( don't know how else to describe )and a petal pattern on base ; no maker marks that I can see. Would like to know age , maker and pattern name of vase . Thanks for looking !
Pretty Vase, and Design. Wonder is ( Sir ) Tallcakes might know............
Also wonder IF the color is Purple -- OR IF the glass has become ""Sun Purple"" from being in the sunlight????? just wondering
Thank You antiquerose for the love and the link . A "pukey purple" would be accurate description of the color in this vase ; although I still like the overall design of it .
this is an EAPG swung vase made from a celery vase:
New Martinsville Glass Co. #713'Pleated Medallion' c1908
the purple is from UV exposure, probably from sitting in a sun bathed window
Thank You for the ID on this vase TALLCAKES , your very kind . AntiqueRose has hinted that the color may have been from sun exposure ; it's not terribly bad though . It still has nice form and design , the grayish purple or pale light purple is not so bad. Thank you