Posted 14 years ago
(759 items)
A pair of what I think are ancestor portraits from the post war period. They are probably from Ubud (?).
They are large: Height: 46 cm, Width: 26 cm and Depth: 10 cm
The male figure is signed with two Chinese characters: "zòu shàn" in Indonesian "jalang baik". The female figure is not marked.
I bought them a the Kirribilli market one Saturday nearly twenty years ago. I like pairs of things. The Dutch-Indonesian connection interests me as well.... Pita Maha (Great Vitality) group.
The head dress is typically worn by young djangar dancers. It intrigues me that these portraits are of olders characters.
The carving is exquisite and is beyond the work done for the tourist market today. But then I really like some of the more modern pieces too.
What I would really like would be a piece done during the 1930's. perhaps by I GEREMBOEANG.
I have a female bust almost identical to this. The headdress is the same, the hair front and back is the same. But the earrings are different and she is a young woman. I inherited it from my grandmother, she received it from one of her tenants in the 60's. There was a pair but the woman that gave it to my grandmother kept him. That womans son brought them back from the war, not sure where though.
I took my bust to Antiques Roadshow about 10 years ago, they told me she was a bust carved for the tourist trade and was worth about $250. Personally I thought the workmanship was to amazing for a tourist trade item. I would love to know more about her but have never seen one like her. I was excited to see you post.
In 2005-2006 there was an exhibition at the Nusantara museum at Delft in the Netherlands called "Art Deco op Bali". If you search under that phrase you may come across some interesting information about these busts.
Thanks, I'll check that out for sure!
Thanks imander & ozmarty!
Many thanks BELLIN68!
Many thanks MARYCORONELL38!
Many thanks senchi!
Did I thank you mustangtony? My apologies!
Many thanks ho2cultcha!
Many thanks petey!
Many thanks pickerknows and Zowie too!
Many thanks betweentheLens!
Many thanks Phil!
Many thanks musikchoo!
You are very welcome vetraio50! Those are COOL !!
Many thanks Deanteaks!
Many thanks MSL!
I love them.They look very high quality. Can you check out my carved bust-Pic has owl too. It came from an elderly lady who had travelled the world extensively.See the price on base 42/6 which I think means a commonwealth country.That was a lot of money in the day.He appears Polynesian and I saw one briefly on an auction show but no info.I just like to know the history of my things and always ask if possible.
Many thanks ATTWOOD!
Many thanks for the loves TOM31675!
Many thanks MANIKIN too!
You are very welcome vetraio50! =)
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT!
Many thanks KJDIXO!
Many thanks MIKELV!
Many thanks NORDICMAN !!!!!
Many thanks CAPERKID !!!!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!!!!!
Many thanks THOMAS & AURA ..... on holiday at the moment in Melbourne.
Many thanks WINDWALKER & CSHAPIRO !!! !! ! !! !!!
and to all the US members too !!!
Many thanks RADEGRUNDER !!!! !! !!!!
Many thanks CELIENE, OROYOROY & AURA !!!!!
Many thanks STEPTOE !!!!
Many thanks DLPETERSEN !,!!,!
Many theanks JOHN SMITH & NEWFLD !!!!
Many thanks PICKABOO !!!!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!!!
Thanks René. I knew they were not Geremboeang. But I am still looking, unfortunately.