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Backwards Compass?

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Compasses44 of 93Hello Sailor! C.Plath, Hamburg, Germany small ships compass, resting on a Gimbal within a Maghony boxHenry Boker brass pocket watch made in Germany
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    This was my dads compass, a K&E. He was a forester. I'm puzzled by the fact that the face has East and West reversed and I've been unable to find anyone who can tell me why.

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    1. UncleRon UncleRon, 9 years ago
      This is called an "aiming compass" (among other names). The idea is that the needle indicates the true direction you are FACING. (Note that the degrees are also "backwards", ascending COUNTER-clockwise.) Here's how it works: you are walking 45 degrees North-EAST but you don't know that and you want to know which direction you are heading. Hold your compass with North at 12:00 and turn yourself until the needle is on North; so now you are facing North. Now turn your whole body and compass to the direction in which you are walking, which in this case would be 45 degrees clockwise. The needle is now indicating 45 degrees to the LEFT of North (counter-clockwise, or at 10:30) but it is indicating 45 degrees EAST according to the dial.
    2. RCrosby257, 9 years ago
      Uncle Ron, Can't wait to go out tomorrow and walk through your directions. Very clear, but I have a hard time picturing things from verbal directions. Could probably do it in the living room, but the back yard will be more fun. Thank you so much!!! Rob
    3. Windwalker, 9 years ago
      have fun .............
    4. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 9 years ago
      You mind repeating that Ron ! LOL !!
    5. RCrosby257, 9 years ago
      L.I.B. M.R. Ducks!
      It works. Wondered for a while if you just pulling my leg.
      Thanks, as well, Windwalker, for the link to that great video!

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