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Vintage Scaasi Blue Crystal Glass Pendant Brooch

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    Arnold Scaasi, whose real name was Arnold Icaasi (changed it to add an Italian flair), was born in Montreal, Canada in 1931, the son of a furrier who studied fashion design in Montreal, moved to Paris in the early 1950’s and later to the U.S. obtaining a position with designer Charles James in New York and 2 years later freelanced for hat designer Lilly Drache.

    In 1962, Scaasi opened his own ready-to-wear business followed by a made- to- order enterprise, his own haute couture line (original clothing created by Arnold Scaasi) with a seamstress and tailor in Manhattan. Scaasi was highly creative and hard working catering to women who wanted luxurious clothes made to fit their bodies and lifestyles to perfection, from Jackie Kennedy, Mamie Eisenhower, and Barbara and Laura Bush (All First Ladies), along with film stars , socialites and entertainers. His runway jewelry pieces, appeared on and with his designer clothing and were accepted and worn with pleasure and satisfaction by movie stars to include Barbra Streisand, Diahann Carroll, Mitzi Gaynor, Joan Crawford, and Elizabeth Taylor, to name a few. It is said that Scaasi has a sense of style, color and shape seen on his creations. He has become very famous in the world of fashion for designing women’s glamorous evening wear, tailored suits, and cocktail dresses.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Great brooch. Would you be able to upload more pictures?
      Thanks for the great information too.
    2. Avalon, 9 years ago
      You're very welcome, Racer4four. Here are a few more pictures....
    3. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Thanks. That's gorgeous. I love the end finials - just add that bit extra.

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