Posted 9 years ago
(906 items)
This blue spatter trophy vase is mall compared with the yellow one. It Has a lovely blue inner casing as do the two others. I bought it because I'm trying to grow my blue section. The blue ones are different shapes with the centre one in image three being closest in shape to a real trophy.
Image four shows it beside the its big brother!
Height 17 cm/6.75 inches.
The idea of trophy vases featured in this item.I don't think it's Welz but from.
a Czechoslovakian auction site
Thank you, Ivonne, the style of the enamelling looks as if it could be Czech.
just lovely.........
I love the base of this one.
Thank you Karen, but I think on shape yours is the winner :)
Thank you, nutsabotas, that is one delightful compliment to my glass :)