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American Art Glass518 of 1329Simon Pearce VaseO'Dell Vases
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (30 items)

    About 5:00 today my friend showed up at my house with this beautiful glass ashtray that someone had created. He rescued it from a trash bin. Can anyone tell me who may have made it? I think it's just great.

    Efesgirl & Emme - I called my friend who gave me this and had him call the guy who threw this out to ask why. Here's his answer. "It was hers and I don't want anything of hers in my house." Can you believe that?

    Racer4four- it looks like it been around for awhile and cleaned roughly. You can see the ware on the bottom in the new pictures that antiquerose asked for.

    Thank you all for the help and comments.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Who throws this in the trash?? This is gorgeous! Looks almost Scandinavian.
    2. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Great ashtray/bowl.
      How much wear on the base Berthasgirl? I'm wondering because that sticker has triggered something for me (I just can't remember what lol) and I think this is probably older Chinese or Japanese glass; say 1960s.
      The colour combo is very Asian.
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Hi there...Can you post a base pic? I am not sure as need to see base. I was leaning towards Murano ( ONLY because ) there is that Star Cane at the very bottom of the bowl and it looks well done. So I do NOT know, but sure would like to see what the outside base looks like.....any wear? Polished ? Any other marks on the bottom??

      More pics please !! LOL
    4. Emme Emme, 9 years ago
      This looks Italian, and it is a beauty. Agree with Efesgirl-- who would throw this out?
    5. Berthasgirl Berthasgirl, 9 years ago
      I did answer everyone's questions but they came out up top. I forgot to mention that it's very heavy and the star cane in the center of the glass.
    6. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 9 years ago
      Im going Murano as well. Star cane, polished pontil, weight. All scream Murano..
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      I agree with what I was thinking in MY Post # 3 -- needed more pisc.

      ~ Now that i see the other pics, I agree with Myself as I thought in the beginning ..... ( LOL ) Yes Murano Art Glass
    8. Berthasgirl Berthasgirl, 9 years ago
      Thank you all for your help on this, I'm not familiar with Murano. I have some Murano ashtrays but they have tiny bubbles in the glass and one of my friends told me they were Murano. I bought a box of stuff at an auction and they were in it.
    9. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Murano is a collection of art glass producers each of whom have their specialty. For example the bubbled glass you mentioned in your other ashtrays, if you post them they can probably be identified to a particular Murano house. This one here I would not have called Murano, like Karen, I would have said Chinese, however, the experts have spoken and I defer to their greater knowledge. Beautiful bowl! How awful for someone to throw it out in hatred. On the off chance, however, I'll hang out by their trash can in case anything else gets thrown away, lol. :P
    10. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Yes lovely but Strange bowl. Got a lot going on with drips and a star Cane. I am not sure of the maker of this Murano Art glass Bowl -- BUT I think Fratelli Toso made some star canes like that on other things.

      Hope this Link works ( wish we had a Preview button )

      You can see some resemblances there in that.
    11. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Here are some other examples of a star shaped cane(s)

      So I am leaning towards fratelli toso as the Murano Furance that MAY have made this, as they did some different things...and have seen the star shape Millifora flower in their work.

      Not a sure fact on this Murano Bowl *Maker* -- but an Educated Guess....LOL
    12. Berthasgirl Berthasgirl, 9 years ago
      Thank you all for your comments it's all very helpful. To me it looked like a mans ashtray for cigars.
    13. Dizzydave Dizzydave, 9 years ago
      I have a cabinet full of Murano, collecting for yrs. I would also go with Toso, They are know for this style.
    14. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      OK - it's a cane and I'm blind. I agree now with the Murano att and hope you enjoyed the garden path I led you on!

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