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Kralik millefiori lemonade glass

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (573 items)

    This would have been part of a set of 6 with a similar jug. If anyone is lucky enough to have one, I am jealous! At least with singles, I can have more types...
    This is 15cm tall.

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    1. HalloweenGreene HalloweenGreene, 9 years ago
      Man that is one nice piece of glass with the Moretti bead inclusions!

      Do I have that right? Moretti millefiori? I have done a little lamp working, years ago and remember the Moretti beads.

      I see why you love that glass.

      Thanks Ian.

    2. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 9 years ago
      Murrine, canes or millefiori. The 3 terms are interchangeable to me but some people have preferred to reserve millefiori for when there are what looks like a thousand in the glass, as in some paperweights.
      Canes or caned décor in English.
    3. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the question.
    4. Belmont Belmont, 9 years ago
      Ian, I happen to have the pitcher, but with only three tumblers. I may have been watching your tumbler but the shipping was too much and went quickly; I'm perhaps regretting that thought.
      This color combination is beautiful.

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