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Bernard Instone Enamel and Pixie earrings

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (413 items)

    These are another pair of Bernard Instones earrings. They are a scallop shape shell, on the outside edge it is serrated. On the inside of the shell there is a pale blue enamel finish on one of the earrings there slight damage to the enamel, (Kyra a question for you, would you use nail vanish?) Sitting in the middle is a silver Pixie. The earrings are clip ons with the lettering Sterling silver, Made in England.
    Many thanks for looking

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    1. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Very cute sprinkle me with some dust.
    2. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Lol caperkid, I didn't think pixies were nice. thank you for your comment
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Adorable! Also known as a Cornish elf/Cornish Piskie. They are supposed to be lucky!


      Elves, urchins, goblins all, and little fairyes."--Mad Franke,.

      "I do wander everywhere,
      Swifter than the moone's sphere;
      And I serve the fairy queen,
      To dew her orbs upon the green."

      "By the moon we sport and play;
      With the night begins our day;
      As we dance the dew doth fall--
      Trip it little urchins all;
      Lightly as the little bee,
      Two by two, and three by three,
      And about go we, and about go we."
      --LYLIE, Maydes' Metamorphoses.

      "To thee the fairy state
      I with discretion dedicate;
      Because thou prizest things that are
      Curious and unfamiliar."
      Oberon's Feast .-- Robert Herrick.
    4. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Thank you Bonnie, the poetry is beautiful :-) I used to be a Elf in the Brownies
    5. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Me, too - I was in the Brownies in the mid-60s.
    6. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Yes I was to, what pack were you in Bonnie?
    7. fionablack fionablack, 9 years ago
      Very Nice
    8. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      Lovely. [;>)
    9. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Very playful earrings from Instone!
    10. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Lovely fairies!!!
      For the repair, a drop of colourless nail top coat, color when dry with permanent marker and finally another drop of top coat! Don't forget to use a toothpick for the application, not the brush :-)
    11. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Thank you for your comment, fionablack
    12. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Many thanks NevadaBlades, I really appreciate your kind comments.
    13. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Hi Karen, to be honest, these earrings of the three pairs I posted recently these are my least favourite. Yes they are playful lol.
    14. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Hi Kyra, thanks for your advise on the repair. :-)
    15. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Many thanks
    16. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Many thanks
    17. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 8 years ago
      Many thanks


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