Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
I got this at the little local fleamarket today. I've wanted a nice cloisonne dragon for awhile and this is pretty nice, i think. i have no idea of the age, but don't think that it's particularly old. it stands a little over 9" tall. any info appreciated!
Isn't that a CHINA stamp on the bottom rim???
I'm sure Lisa can help further but yes, this is a Chinese cloisonne vase made by Jingfa. Love the dragon.
They are a huge producers of cloisonne and their work is easily identifiable by the cloud shape wires they use in the background.
This could be from later 20thC to now....much of their work is exported.
Looks like Jingfa to me too, but perhaps an older piece?
Wow! thanks Lisa! and thanks Nevada, Racer and Katherine!
Beautiful colors:)
ahhh Dragons!!!! LOVE IT!!
thanks Trey and SaulsoGALLERY!
i love dragons too! do people agree that this is a 1930s/40s piece?
i hadn't posted it there Lisa, but i will.
Amazing piece. And what an amazing collection you have