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How To Collect McCoy And Other Stuff And More Stuff

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McCoy Art Pottery119 of 223my 1910 mccoy pottery findMcCoy vase, Penney's Pottery Shoppe Line
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (247 items)

    So this post was inspired by a thread on the McCoy page on FB that asked how people got started collecting McCoy. That thread, and indeed many of the threads people in that group post to that page, feature photographs of vast personal collections of McCoy pottery, often specialized on one particular line or feature, like some collect all birds, and some collect a certain color, and some a certain shape of vase. The photographs are gorgeous. Which reminds me of why I love CW, because often threads feature whole collections people here have put together from the things they love, a whole wall, a display case, an entire room, of their passion and obsession, that then becomes eye candy for the rest of us. Even those of you who display items in singles often run in the same vein, Karen's Japanese glass, NevadaBlades' knives, Trey's signs, Marga's micro mosaics, kyratango's bugs. In some cases I might feel a twinge of envy at those incredible pieces and collections, but then I remind myself of my limited space, the inability to display breakables on shelves due to living in the Ring of Fire where earthquakes are common, an extreme allergy to dusting and cleaning in general, and last but probably most importantly, my total lack of discipline when it comes to collecting. Above you see the sum total of my McCoy collection. Four pieces. That's it. The "collection" actually stemmed from reading about McCoy and recognizing the bowl in the photo as a bowl that came from my family's home, that's the bowl in the first picture. Sure enough I turned it over and there was the McCoy mark. I had bought the bowl in the second picture a while back because it seemed to match the first bowl, and when I looked at the base found the McCoy mark. Some time later trying to decide which pieces to sell or donate from my gran's stuff, I turned the blue bowl over in the third picture and surprise, another McCoy mark. Recently while out on a scrounge I found this vase with the McCoy mark, that's the fourth picture. And that's it. When I compare my four random pieces to the extraordinarily beautiful displays I see on the McCoy page, well let's just call it sad, lol. All my collections are like that, just random bits and pieces set around the house here and there. And while I would like to think I fall under what the home decorating pages that show how a variety of beautiful pieces can be pulled together and call eclectic or Bohemian describe me, in truth my collecting style is most accurately described as disorganized teetering piles of stuff. Or as my favorite meme puts it, "you are one sh*tload away from an episode of Hoarders." I try to keep that in mind when I'm out on a buying binge, also the glazed dread on my family's faces when I come in the door and they look around and wonder where I'm going to put this next load of found treasures. To me it is treasure! I just need more room! Yes, that is my brain talking, you've just had a glimpse into how it works. ;P

    Thanks for reading and looking.

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    1. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      LOVE the blue bowl,.... its masculinity and simplicity. Also, LOVE how your brain works. Thanks for giving us a peek inside! [;>)
    2. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      I guess I realized the same thing Katherine as do most collector's. Where do you cross or draw the line between collecting and hoarding. What's the point of having all these beautiful things and not being able to display and enjoy them. My booth at the antique mall has made me quite aware that I have waaay too much stuff. It's full already and it looks like I haven't even taken anything out of the house ! There are days when I wish I could just wave a wand and have it all be gone or better yet beautifully Still when I see the things I buy and post here how could I not buy it. My friends at the co-op cannot believe I only go to thrift stores and spend pennies while they haunt estate sales and auctions and spend hundreds and thousands. My greatest fear is not selling a lot of it. Having to keep it and bring it all back home again if something happens and I have to give up my booth. At least at this point it's a step in the right direction toward downsizing. :)
    3. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love, brunswick, NevadaBlades, aura, Nutsabotas6, Caperkid, mikelv85, and surfdub66. :)

      NB, you have no idea how much I enjoyed writing this post -- confession is good for the soul!! ;)) Glad you enjoyed the bowl and the view! :)

      Mike, you and I are in the same exact boat. I take stuff to sell and come back and I feel as though I haven't made a dent, lol. The money is nice, but I spend it on more stuff. Whatever space I create gets filled with more stuff. On the other hand, I love this collecting life and as long as my world is filled, some might say overflowing, with beauteous things, I'm happy. :)

    4. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      My brain: Mike's brain : Katherine's brain : same stem!
    5. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Well ladies... "great minds do think alike " :)
    6. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Loved reading this post! Thank you....
    7. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love, vetraio50, melaniej, racer4four, and TassieDevil. :)

      Karen, yes all have the same brain, lol. :))

      Mike, we revel in our greatness, lol. :))

      Thanks, TassieDevil, glad you enjoyed reading. :)
    8. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love, MyFavoriteTreasures, kivatinitz, sklo42, and Trey. :)
    9. mareredware mareredware, 9 years ago
      well said! I am so happy to have found this site! thanks for sharing your treasures!

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