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Barometer, Therometer, Hygrometers in different styles but all work the same, two different styles

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Recent Activity28 of 461880 English Oak Aneroid Banjo BarometerSomeone please tell me what this is!!!!
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (404 items)

    The Three dial long one is a Modern design by a chain store, it includes the centre Barometer, the thermometer is on the left and the hygrometer to the right.

    This one is more like a display piece, nicely made with good varmished wood.

    The small one is an SB (Shortland) vintage retro age with a different sort of style with a grey silver dial but also with the three dials.

    The best barometers are the banjo style and one of the best makers is anything by Comitti of London. They also make clocks.

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    1. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Reminds me of a instrument cluster in a car:)

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