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Baccarat Enameled Opaline Roses Vase

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Baccarat Art Glass33 of 108Baccarat Molded Opaline vase in an Unusual DecorBaccarat Double Red Heart
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (256 items)

    I am happy to share the newest enameled Baccarat vase to join my collection - it is a sweet little one, just 6" tall and has a cheerful deep rosy red background with a spray of roses across it. It is signed on the side of the vase towards the bottom 'Baccarat' and has the typical large perfectly round and shallowly ground base, numbered in dark red, of these types of Baccarat opaline pieces. I believe the vase dates to about 1880.

    I fell in love with this one right away because of its size and the roses - so sweet! I have seen other Baccarat vases with this rose decor in gray, blue, and deep brown backgrounds, varying in size from 8" to 12" in height, and the color and size of this one drew me in. In image 3, I am showing a picture of it on my mantle, next to another Baccarat piece in my collection.

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    1. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      (By the way, the seller kindly let me use his images for 1, 2, and 4.)
    2. Ivonne Ivonne, 9 years ago
      Lovely!I'd fall in love with it too!
    3. sklo42 sklo42, 9 years ago
      It is a real pleasure to see two lovely interpretations of the same décor. It must be even better close up......lucky you:)
    4. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 9 years ago
      They are so beauty as to get in love
    5. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Hi Ivonne, I am glad you think so! :)
    6. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      sklo, thanks so much! I do enjoy seeing how makers used different decors, and how different they look against different backgrounds and shapes; your posts are often great examples of that!
    7. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Thank you, kivatinitz!
    8. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      What a beautiful enamel vase, how a miss it.
      If I provided my email, could you kindly email me, I want some info on RINDSKOPF.

    9. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Hi Alan, thanks so much! And sure, I'd be happy to try to answer any questions you may have about Rindskopf. :)
    10. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Hi olebodie, no, actually many Baccarat pieces from this era are not signed at all. I am sorry, but I can't find your vase picture, but if you post a picture of it and let me know, I'd be happy to take a look.
    11. AmatoorPikr, 9 years ago
      and very lovely picture in the background!
    12. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 9 years ago
      Thank you! That is an antique woodblock print by J. Prescher; I currently have four by the same artist. No one knows their first name, or if they were male or female. I am always on the lookout for these. :)

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