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Japanese Arisaka 38 Rifle WW II With Emperor Insignia

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (118 items)

    Dad sent this rifle home from WW II. Thousands of these rifles found their way to the United States as war souvenirs, making them one of the most common foreign military firearms available in the country.

    The Arisaka rifles are named for Colonel Nariaki Nariakira Arisaka.

    A chrysanthemum with 16 petals (the symbol of the Japanese Emperor) was usually stamped on the receiver of rifles manufactured for the Imperial Japanese Army, indicating that the rifle belonged to the Emperor. After the war, this insignia was removed by the Japanese in honer of the Emperor. They did not want their weapons in American hands with the Emperor's insignia. Rifles such as mine, with the insignia intact, were said to be recovered directly off the battle field.

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    1. DASPICKSTER DASPICKSTER, 14 years ago
      Super awesome Arisaka. These are soo hard to find with the "MUM" still intact. It looks as if it also still has the dust cover with it. Very nice.
    2. mark mark, 14 years ago
      Daspickster Thanks for the comment. Also sent home was German Luger. I have a feeling one of my brothers took it long ago with out saying anything. Dirty Rats!!!
    3. chevy59 chevy59, 14 years ago
      I just sold one to a dealer a week ago, the insignia was removed from it, now I know what is supposed to look like. Very nice gun!
    4. mark mark, 14 years ago
      Thanks Chevy59
    5. Shea, 14 years ago
      Ya i have one as well it has the 16 petals on it it was made around 1925-1945 i was wondering how much the gun would go for with the petals still on it?
    6. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Great gun with a lot of history.

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