Posted 9 years ago
(4 items)
Over the past year or so I've become increasingly drawn to beautiful glassware. With all their different shapes, sizes, colours, artists, origin and worth! I've dreamt about owning a Murano piece for a little while now as the pieces have this "Gorgeous Flowing Feel" about them.
Last week I was walking with my son and we noticed a pile of household goods dumped outside a home. This would mean the owners are throwing their stuff away so we had a quick look in some boxes and bags .. and found this.
I nearly pee'd my pants with excitement!
I had someone look at it and said he's 90% sure its a Murano ..
I dont even know if it is a Murano and I really dont care if it isn't!!!
.. I will pretend! :)
Don't think this is Murano, however will let the experts have the last word. It is a beautiful piece whoever made it, lucky find. Enjoy it! :)
For me, this is better than Murano.
It is Kamei glass from Japan, circa 1960s and a shape I have only seen once before.
The mix of colours here is so Kamei - other companies made rainbow glass too but this is a Kamei palette.
Kamei also more than anyone else liked to twist their glass.
I am very envious Retro!!
Wow, this is Japanese glass, Karen?? I would never have suspected -- the shape, the handle, even the colors -- so different from the rest!! Well, well. :)
Hi there -- Lovely piece to glass. Can you post a pic of the very Bottom/base pic?
I am not sure myself as Karen knows her Japanese Art glass....but I see some resemblances in the swirls with my Murano JIP Vase. At least I think........... I see some resemblances ( but it is VERY late and I am tired ...LOL ). So maybe I will look again tomorrow when my eyes have had some Z-z-z-z-z-
I think Karen is Right about it being Japanese Glass ...and the Piece Posted here looks like a QUALITY piece !!
I'm with Karen on this one !!!