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Early 70's Caithness Ysart millefiori ring from Scottland.

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British Art Glass221 of 697Victorian Decanter any help with age/maker?Perthshire PP15 Inkwell Bottle
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (12 items)

    I found this little treasure years ago, again, at a thrift store. I have always loved it! From my research, it dates to the early 70's and the actual glass millefiori "button" was created exclusively by Paul Ysart for Caithness of Scottland. It has been cut at the bottom of the sterling silver ring, obviously to fit a larger finger. As you can see from the old Man'f Info on the back, it was a size small. I forget who the jeweler was that made the rings for Caithness, but it has all the right symbols on the inside of the ring to denote it was made in GB and is sterling silver, as well as the style # written in pen on the Man'f Info.. I got it for a mere $4.50. It's so much harder to find real collectibles around the thrift stores here anymore. They bring in appraisers from Minneapolis once a month to go through the items they see as worth appraising. But, if you peruse laboriously, you can still find hidden treasure they missed!

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 9 years ago
      Wow...Now that is really Sweet!!

      Have your ever checked out Alan Thorton site here? Give him a shout, I think he would like to see this. He is a Great Guy.

      Again Welcome -- Great to have another Glassie here !!
      ~ antiquerose ~
    2. westred westred, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the nice comment. I did check out Alan's site. A lot of great PW's, along with links to numerous resources.
    3. Gillian, 9 years ago
      Hi, English ring sizes don't follow U.S. sizes. What you took for an "S" for small, is actually an English size 9 1/2. Hope this clears up any confusion.

      I know it's only Monday, but I'm noticing a trend for me towards "things I've never seen before", and your ring would be one of those.

      Thanks very much for sharing it with us.
    4. westred westred, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the info. Appreciate it!
    5. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      I've never seen a millefiori ring. What a buy! I know just what you mean about bargains being tougher to find in these thrift shops. There are great pieces which are completely missed by the know-it-all employees with their spyglass - lucky for us! I often find great jewelry at local flea markets, too.
    6. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Special. Beautiful glass and a great modernist ring.
      There would be some Ysart/Monart collectors keen to find this!
    7. AmatoorPikr, 9 years ago
      Nice find!!!

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